The FCELH has a small publication programme the aim of which is to make high quality research available to anyone.
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The following Friends Papers have been scanned and we hope to be able to make them available to view or download soon.
- No. 1, Dave Postles, Lay Piety in Transition, 1998, 69pp.
- No. 4, Marion Aldis and Pam Inder, John Sneyd’s Census of Ipstones in 1839, 64pp.
- No. 5, Barrie Trinder, The Market Town Lodging House in Victorian England, 2001, 100pp.
- No. 7, Geoff Wolfe, Keeping the Peace: Warwickshire, 1630-1700, 2003, 60pp.
- No. 8, Pam Fisher, An Object of Ambition? The Office and Role of the Coroner in Two Midland Counties, 1751-1888, 2003, 56pp.
- No. 9, Sylvia Pinches, Maggie Whalley & Dave Postles (eds), The Market Place and the Place of the Market, 2004, 102pp.
- Derryan Paul, Why So Few? Rebuilding Country Churches in Herefordshire, 1662-1762, 2005, 90pp.
- No. 10, Michael Tedd, Naming in Anstey 1850-1950: a Mirror of Social Structure, 2012, 78pp.

We regret that the publications listed below are now out of print and cannot be supplied:
- Tania McIntosh, The Decline of Stourbridge Fair, 1770-1934, 1998, 43pp [winner of the John Nichols Prize, 1993].
- A. Flather, The Politics of Place. A Study of Church Seating in Essex, c.1580-1640, 1999, 55pp [winner of the John Nichols Prize, 1998].