Free local history books and articles from Dave Postles

Dave Postles was Marc Fitch Research Fellow in the Department of English Local History at the University of Leicester, undertaking contract research in English anthroponymy (the study of the proper names of human beings), particularly medieval personal naming.

In the past, and recently, he has produced some articles and short print-run books. The PDFs can be downloaded for free from:

The titles include:

  • Microcynicon: Aspects of Early-modern England
  • A Town in its Parish: Loughborough, Origins to 1640
  • Literary and Imaginary Geographies: Aspects of E. M. Forster’s Novels
  • Some Medieval Taxation Returns
  • Talking ballocs
  • The earliest Leicestershire wills
  • Spinsters and Sisters: The Transformation of a Female Sphere in Leicestershire, 1851-1903
  • Characteristics of the Clergy: the Anglican Experience in the Late-Victorian Transition in Leicestershire

Other publications by Dave Postles:

  • Social Dramas: Literature and Language in Early-Modern England – November 22, 2010 – New Academia Publishing/ The Spring.
  • Naming the People of England, c.1100-1350 – May 12, 2006 – Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • The North Through its Names: A Phenomenology of Medieval and Early-Modern Northern England – December 1, 2007 – Oxbow Books.
  • Missed Opportunities? Religious Houses and the Laity in the English “High Middle Ages”  – October 16, 2009 – New Academia Publishing/ The Spring.
  • Social Geographies in England 1200-1640 – November 5, 2007 – New Academia Pub Llc.
  • Social Proprieties: Social Relations in Early-Modern England (1500-1680) – February 1, 2006 – New Academia Publishing/ The Spring.
  • The Surnames of Leicestershire and Rutland – December 31, 1998 – Leopard’s Head Press.
  • Lay Piety in Transition: Local Society and New Religious Houses in England, 1100-1280 – January 1, 1998 – Friends of the Department of English Local History.

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